Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Super Speed...

Okay, trying to go month by month is going to take forever. Here's the condensed version :)

Peyton turned 5 in October. 5! I can't believe it - my baby is 5.
We had our first Halloween in Medford. It's weird here. They do it during the day. There is a parade on Main Street, and "Trick or Treating" is after that. It was really strange to do it in the day light.

November was, of course, Thanksgiving. Ryan's parents come out to spend the holiday and we prepared a HUGE feast. It was a lot of fun to host a major holiday in our new home :)

Christmas was great. My parents, and my sister and her fiance were here with us. Santa left an obscene amount of gifts even though we told him that both kids had been naughty. I don't think he really looks at that list...

In January Ryan and I celebrated my birthday in Mexico with our great friends Bob and Sarah. We had a blast even though we all got sick! I conquered some fears and actually did some pretty adventurous things!

In March, Gabe turned 7. That's pretty much the highlight of February, March, April, and May :)

And now, here we are, at the end of "Summer Vacation." We had too much fun over the summer to write it all down, so you'll just have to trust me!

There. I feel better now. I suppose this means I can tell you all about Gabe's first day of 2nd grade later!


Friday, August 13, 2010

September 2009

Gabe is in 1st grade and Peyton is doing another year of pre-school. Both kids are growing like weeds and freaking me out all the time with how grown up they are getting.

School is off to a great start! I know I took pictures of the first day of school...didn't I? Regardless, I can't find any to post! Sorry :( I'll have some for the next one!


So, I guess I'm on the "once a year" program for posting to this blog! Maybe no one reads it anyway :)

You're probably wondering what we've been up to since my last post. I'll try to get you caught up on our lives since my last entry, but it will have to happen 1 post at a time!

Try to come back often!


Wednesday, September 16, 2009


Okay, so I totally forgot that I even had this blog! Too funny :)

The Big Yellow Bus

I can't believe my BABY rides the school bus now :( Where have the years gone? On a lighter note though, she just loves it!
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Sunday, November 16, 2008

November 16, 2008

Well, I guess we can say that winter is officially here. For those of you that said I was nuts when I mentioned how sick of summer I was.... You were right. This sucks. We saw the sun briefly yesterday, but that has been it for about a week. Other than the 10 beautiful minutes of blue sky yesterday, we have been gloomy and cold for a week... or is it a month? I lose track of the days when it's like this. I love the upper midwest - especially the 4 distinct seasons - but this part kills me every year. I am looking forward to snow. Lots and lots of snow!! It can just wait until we get back from Michigan!

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Extreme Sour Lemon War Heads Candy

Gabriel was the first to try it...blah! He spit it right out. It took only a little coaxing to get him to taste it again - I had to get a picture, afterall!

Ryan was an unsuspecting victim. He was actually on the phone with his Dad when we snared him in! Gabe pretended it was the best candy ever to get him to taste it. This time I was ready with the camera!

Peyton is such a dare devil! Even after Big Bro and Dad, she STILL wanted to try it! Surprisingly enough, she liked it enough to eat the entire piece!
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